News & Events : 2016-17
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Seminars/Conferences/Expert talks/WorkShops : 2016-17 Back
Duration – Two Days
Time- 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Venue – New Conference Halll / Shrimad Hall
Number of participants: 94 faculty members
Trainer – Mulchand Sen (Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Training & Placement Officer – Uka Tarsadia University)
Co-trainers – Ms. Tarjani Sheth, Mr. Hardik Prajapati, Ms. Amita Rathod, Ms. Rutvi Vaidya, Ms. Jitisha Patel
Mr. Mulchand Sen (Training and Placement Officer) has successfully qualified trainings in Speech Craft, Effective Public Speaking and Training in Public Speaking (TIPS). As a part of learning - Caring and sharing and to train the trainers took initiative to train his colleagues. Uka Tarsadia University announced Series of Faculty Development Program on “Effective Public Speaking” by Mr. Mulchand Sen. He conducted outcome oriented 4 FDPs. In his sessions, at the end of FDP participants were able to evaluate their own improvement levels in terms of Effective Public Speaking. The summary of FDPs conducted by Mr. Mulchand Sen is as follows;
Faculty Development Program Conducted by Mulchand Sen : |
1. |
22nd & 23rd April 2016 |
Total 22 Faculty members of Uka Tarsadia University participated in this FDP on effective Public Speaking. Venue- New Conference Hall, Training and Placement Office, Uka Tarsadia University. Time – 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Average Improvement – 20% |
2. |
9th & 10th May 2016 |
Total 29 Faculty members of Uka Tarsadia University participated in this FDP on effective Public Speaking. Venue- Shrimad Hall, SRIMCA, Uka Tarsadia University. Time – 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Average Improvement – 20% |
3. |
20th & 21st May 2016 |
Total 21 Faculty members of Uka Tarsadia University participated in this FDP on effective Public Speaking. Venue- Shrimad Hall, SRIMCA, Uka Tarsadia University. Time – 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Average Improvement – 17% |
4. |
9th & 10th June 2016 |
Total 22 Faculty members of Uka Tarsadia University participated in this FDP on effective Public Speaking. Venue- Shrimad Hall, SRIMCA, Uka Tarsadia University. Time – 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Average Improvement – 20% |
Uka Tarsdia Univesity congratulates Mr. Mulchand Sen on his volunteer initiative – Train the trainers and successfully training 94 faculty members.
Date-16th May 2016
Time- 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Venue – Dr. Jatin Desai Auditorium
Number of participants: 110
Coordinator – Mulchand Sen (Assistant Professor, Department of Management)
Uka Tarsadia University and JCI Bardoli jointly organized full day training program on "Body Language" by National Trainer - JC Shetal Gonsai on Monday, 16th May 2016. Total 100 faculty members of Uka Tarsadia University and 10 outside participants participated in this training program. Body language plays a vital role in communication in general and specifically between a teacher and students. It communicates naturally. One should learn the art of understanding the body language. JC Shetal Gonsai demonstrated various types of postures, gestures and other signs of body language and its meaning very well. This has benefitted to all the participants by adding a component of non verbal communication in their day to day life communication and makes it more effective. Overall participants shared excellent feedback for this program.
Date-19th June 2016
Time- 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Venue – Shrimad Hall
Number of participants: 60
Coordinator – Mulchand Sen (Assistant Professor, Department of Management)
Uka Tarsadia University and JCI Bardoli jointly organized full day training program by International Training Fellow (ITF) – JC Yogesh Chandak from Kota, Rajasthan on Sunday – 19th June 2016. Total 30 faculty members of Uka Tarsadia University and 30 outside participants actively participated in this training program. The program focused on, “Life lessons from movie 3 Idiots”. It was very interactive and unique way of learning. The trainer executed it in very synergistic way and throughout the session all participants shared their learning for life. The following learning ke points were discussed during the session;
- Priority in life
- Risk taking
- Friendship
- Goal setting
- Excellence v/s Success
- Creativity / Innovation
- Thinking out of box and many more……
Participants appreciated the unique way of learning through movie. This will certainly help faculty members to use as a training tool for their respective students.
Visits : 2016-17 Back
International Exposure – 2016
Academic, Industrial and Cultural tour to Germany and Czech Republic- View More
Training & Placement: 2016-17 Back
Achievements: 2016-17 Back
Extra curricular: 2016-17 Back
A Gujarat State Pharmacy Council (GSPC) sponsored two days Refresher Course for Registered Pharmacists was organized by Maliba Pharmacy College on August 20-21, 2016. It is mandatory for Registered Pharmacists of each state to attend such refresher course before they could get their license renewed. Considering the above perspectives, Dr. Bhavin Marolia sent a proposal to GSPC and received a grant of rupees twenty five thousand for organizing the said course. Day 1 of the event began with UTU song, which was followed by key note address from Dr. Shailesh Shah, Principal, Maliba Pharmacy College and Course Director of the said event. Dr. Ashish Mishra, Academic Head, Maliba Pharmacy College gave a brief introduction of two days event to the participants. Dr. Bhavin Marolia delivered a vote of thanks for the inaugural function. Dr. Mehul Thakkar of Agricultural University, Navsari delivered a talk on ‘Patient Counseling & CRM: The Road Ahead for Retail Pharmacists’ which was followed by a session on ‘Food Drug Interactions’ by Dr. Sandesh Lodha of MPC. Day 1 had two more lectures from MPC faculties i.e. ‘Drug-drug Interactions’ and ‘Role of Pharmacist in Health Care Programme and Concept of Community Pharmacist’ delivered by Dr. Ashish Mishra and Mr. Vilas Surana respectively. Day 2 of the event began with an expert session on ‘Drug Incompatibilities’ by Dr. Kunjan Bodiwala of MPC. Mr. Bhavik Satani and Ms. Rutvi Vaidya of MPC delivered talks on ‘Pharmacy Practice Regulation – 2015’ and ‘Therapeutic update on selected disorder: Asthma, AIDS and Hypertension’ respectively. Dr. Gajanan Kalyankar of MPC delivered a lecture on ‘Safe disposal of medicines’. Mr. Gilbert C. Macwan, Registrar, Gujarat State Pharmacy Council graced the event with his presence and insightful words highlighting the future activities of GSPC. The lectures were followed by a written exam of the participants, feedback and valedictory function. Dr. Shailesh Shah, Principal, Maliba Pharmacy College and Course Director of the said event addressed the participants summarizing the two days event. Dr. Bhavin Marolia of MPC delivered vote of thanks at the end of the event. The event had 135 participants and was held at Shrimad Hall of the university. The event was coordinated by Dr. Bhavin Marolia and Mr. Bhavik Satani of MPC with enthusiastic support from M. Pharm. and B. Pharm. students.
World Breast Feeding Week Celebration - 2016
World Alliance for Breast Feeding Action (WABA) celebrates World Breast Feeding Week every year in 1st week of August with the theme that responds to the current Millennium Development Goals countdown process by asserting the importance of increasing & sustaining the protection, promotion & support of breast feeding.This is 24th year of celebration
The theme for the World Breast Feeding week 2016 was "BREASTFEEDING: A KEY TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT"
World Breast Feeding Week - 2016 was celebrated on 05/08/2016 by Staff & Students of ManibaBhula Nursing College, UTU, Bardoli. The program was organized by the OBG & Pediatric Dept, MBNC. A Quiz &Poster competition was organized for students in shrimad hall at 2:00 to 3:30 pm, to bring awareness among the students about importance,content of breast milk&detail about breast feeding. More than 200 B.Sc, GNM & PPBSc studentsand Faculty were participated in this event. The theme was unveiled& its significance was explained by Mrs. Diva Chanu, H.O.D of Pediatric department. The quiz compition conducted by Ms. Kinjal Mistry, Assistant Professor of OBG department. There were 21 students participated in poster compition from different classes. The prizes were awarded to the champions & runner up team by Ms. Kavitha Narayanan,Principal, MBNC & Mr. Sateesh Biradar, Vice Principal, MBNC.The program was adressed& apriciated by PrincipalMadam.The program was supported by management of UkaTarsadia University and successfully ended with the National Anthem.
New ventures : 2016-17 Back