News & Events : 2011-12
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An Eye Camp is organized by Eye-Q Super Specialty Eye Hospital, Surat, at Maniba Bhula Nursing College on 12th & 13th April 2012. The staffs and students of Maliba Campus may utilize opportunity for getting Eye screening done free of cost and treatment at concessional cost.
Schedule for Eye Camp
Sr.No. | Faculty / Course | Date & Time | Co-ordinator |
1. | MBA & MCA | Thursday, 12-04-2012 10:00 am to 12:00 noon | Dr. Prashant Joshi 9909677257 Dr. Kalpesh Lad 9427463622 |
2. | BBA, B.Com & BP.Ed. | Thursday, 12-04-2012 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm | Mr. Vijay Gondaliya 9377435333 Mr. Jitendra Gadany 9825249651 |
3. | Pharmacy & Biotechnology | Friday, 13-04-2012 10:00 am to 12: 00 noon | Mr. Bhavin Vyas 9427890805 Dr. M. Peethawala 9825660930 |
4. | Engineering & Nursing | Friday, 13-04-2012 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm | Mr. Chinmay Desai 9879072216 Mr. Siddaram Sarate 7567561243 |
The first private university of Sardar Karmbhumi , Bardoli of South Gujarat region, UKa Tarsadia University has been established under Gujarat Private University (Amendment) Act No. 25 of 2011 by the Government of Gujarat. Nirma University, DAIICT, Charutar University of Science and Technology, Ahmedabad University etc. are some other universities formed under similar act of the Government of Gujarat. It is a matter of pride for UTU that now the University Grants Commission (UGC) has approved UTU to award degrees vide its letter reference number F.No. 8-39/2011(CPP-1)/PU) dated 22nd March 2012. So all the degrees awarded by UTU are approved by UGC, New Delhi and are valid for higher studies in India and abroad, for any government or nongovernment jobs, etc.