News & Events : 2015-16
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Seminars/Conferences/Expert talks/WorkShops : 2015-16 Back
A GUJCOST sponsored one day symposium on 'Innovations and practices in teaching learning pedagogy' was organized by Maliba Pharmacy College on March 26, 2016. The skills needed for effective teaching involve more than just expertise in an academic field. Individual students may be better suited to learning in a particular way, using distinctive modes for thinking, relating and creating. Teachers' training program is essential to understand current educational philosophy and psychology. Different teaching methodologies and expected outcomes need to be structured, put into operation to measure its effectiveness. Considering the above perspectives, Ms. Hetal Patel sent a proposal to GUJCOST and received a grant of rupees thirty thousand for organizing the said symposium. The event began with UTU song, which was followed by lamp lighting. Dr. (Prof) Shailesh Shah, Principal, Maliba Pharmacy College delivered key note address for the symposium. Ms. Hetal Patel, Organizing Secretary, welcomed the speakers of the symposium. Dr. (Prof) Bhushan Trivedi, Director, GLS Institute of Computer Technology, Ahmedabad delivered his talk on 'Using co-operative learning for technical course students'. Dr. (Prof) R. G. Kothari, Professor of Education, M.S. University Vadodara conducted a session on 'Teaching and learning process in higher education: Issues and Direction'. Ms. Rozy Patel, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, SRIMCA delivered a talk on 'A Class of its own'. More than 120 participants benefited from the symposium. Dr. Dinesh R. Shah, Provost, Uka Tarsadia University gave certificates to the participants. Dr. Ashish D. Mishra, Academic Head, Maliba Pharmacy College delivered vote of thanks at the end of the event. The symposium was coordinated by Dr. Sandesh Lodha and Dr. Sonia Pandey of Maliba Pharmacy College.
Maniba Bhula Nursing College of Uka Tarsadia University organized a Lamp Lighting & Oath taking ceremony for the 8th Batch B.Sc. Nursing & 6th Batch GNM students on 02-01-2016, 11.00 am at Pushpam Tarsadi Hall, Maliba Campus, Bardoli. This ceremony welcomes students into the world of noblest profession that demands regular study, dedication, commitment and selfless devotion for their profession. The ceremony started with the UTU anthem. Mrs. Mayuna Z. Gohil, Asst. Director (Nsg), Government of Gujarat made her presence as Chief Guest. Dr. Gangaram Kantiya, Medical Superintendent, Sardar Smarak Hospital, Bardoil, Dr. Dinesh Shah, Provost UTU, Shri. Kiritbhai Patel, Secretary BPKM, Bardoli, Mrs. Indrawati Rao, Principal, Govt. College of Nursing, New Civil Hospital, Surat graced the occasion as guests of honour.
Mr. Sateesh Biradar, Vice-Principal, MBNC & HOD, Psychiatric Dept, MBNC welcomed the guests. The august dignitaries initiated the function by lighting the Deepam. Mrs. M. Jayalakshmi, Principal, MBNC delivered Perspective of MBNC. As a symbol of lighting the lamp, the Chief Guest of the function Mrs. Mayuna Z. Gohil lighted the Florence Nightingale lamp & transferred the luminosity to the nursing fraternity. 50 B.Sc. Nursing students & 40 GNM students respectively dedicated themselves to the nursing profession by lighting their lamps. Mrs. M Jayalakshmi, Principal, MBNC recited the Nightingale pledge to the students.
The chief guest of the function Mrs. Mayuna Z. Gohil congratulated all the students for choosing nursing as a profession & gave inspiration to the students. She praised the management for providing world class infrastructure in nursing education & congratulated the management for availing the permission to start M.Sc. Nursing course. Dr. D R Shah in his speech inspired the students to make their future as valuable as possible by doing hard work & focus on studies. The ceremony concluded with vote of thanks by Mr. Gibin Thomas, Asst. Professor, MBNC. The function ended with the national anthem.
The 18th SNA Biennial State level Conference was organized by Maniba Bhula Nursing College a constituent of Uka Tarsadia University from 9th October to 11th October, 2015. The theme of conference was Clean & healthy India; Nurses concern . A total of 3178 delegates from all over Gujarat have participated in the conference.
Report On the 18th SNA Biennial Conference
A GUJCOST sponsored one day symposium on 'Analytical Quality by Design: A key tool for pharmaceutical method development and validation' was organized by Maliba Pharmacy College on September 29, 2015. A QbD approach to analytical method development and validation will result in more robust methods which produce consistent, reliable, quality data throughout the lifecycle of analytical method. As the industry is now applying Quality by Design (QbD) to process development, it is now being recognized that this is also the way forward to improve and standardize our approach to analytical procedures. Considering the above perspectives, Dr. Pintu B. Prajapati sent a proposal to GUJCOST and received a grant of rupees twenty five thousand for organizing the said symposium. The event began with UTU song, which was followed by lamp lighting and welcoming the guests of honor; Shri Bhagubhai Patel, President, BPKM and Shri Arvindbhai Patel, Dy. Secretary, BPKM. Dr. (Prof) Kishor Desai, Director, Department of Chemistry, Uka Tarsadia University, delivered key note address for the symposium. Dr. (Prof) Ashish Mishra, Academic Head, Maliba Pharmacy College, expressed his views and blessings for the said symposium. Dr. (Prof) Mukesh Gohel, Head, Department of Pharmaceutics, Anand Pharmacy College delivered his talk on "Basic fundamentals of analytical quality by design". Dr. (Prof) Girish Jani, Principal, SSR Pharmacy College, Silvassa conducted a session on " based response surface methodology approach to analytical method validation". Dr. (Prof) Shailesh Shah, Principal, Maliba Pharmacy College delivered a talk on "Analytical quality by design approach for Stability indicating chromatographic method development". More than 250 participants benefited from the symposium. Dr. Pintu B. Prajapati, Organizing Secretary of the symposium delivered vote of thanks at the end of symposium. The symposium was coordinated by Dr. Bhavin Marolia, Assistant Professor, Maliba Pharmacy College.
Date - 28th July 2015
Venue - Dr. Jatin Desai Auditorium
Audience - Final year MCA, M.Sc.(CA), BCA students
Mr. Mulchand Sen, Training and Placement officer of Uka Tarsadia University interacted with final year students of BCA, MCA & M.Sc. (IT). He highlighted few points to be considered while preparing RESUME. He pointed out certain common mistakes made by candidates in his/her resume. Finally he advised students to make it effective by having short and requirement specific rather than general resume. This will help students of computer science in getting through the screening process of forthcoming project placement.
Mr. Atul Purohit has over 40 years of experience in Techno-commercial area. He worked with various reputed companies like Sarabhai, Reliance, RP Goenka, ACG etc. He retired as Position of President. He is also certified from Japan where he did his residential program.
In his talk he explains how one can use the information available by different means and converting those information into knowledge. He explains that, knowledge is perishable and one should keep on upgrading the same. He quoted various examples of fear and taught how one can avoid it. He insisted students to keep learning and changing of habits at a same time not to compromise with their core values.
Visits : 2015-16 Back
Training & Placement: 2015-16 Back
Achievements: 2015-16 Back
Maliba Pharmacy College has ranked 37th in the country and 4th in Gujarat as per MHRD national rankings i.e. NIRF. The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) has been approved by MHRD and was launched by Honourable Minister of Human Resource Development on September 29, 2015. The framework outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country. Ranking methods have been worked out for six categories of institutions i.e., Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Architecture, Universities and Colleges. The pharmacy colleges across the nation were evaluated based on five parameters. 1] Teaching, learning & resources (30% weightage) which includes faculty student ratio, number of permanent faculties, number of Ph. D. faculties, teaching experience of faculties, library and laboratory facilities, sports and extra-curricular facilities. 2] Research, professional practice & collaborative performance (30% weightage) which includes number of publications, citations, patents, projects and professional practices undertaken by the institute. 3] Graduation outcomes (15% weightage) which includes students’ performance in public and university exams, placement, higher studies and entrepreneurship and mean salary for employment 4] Outreach (15% weightage) which includes % of students from other states/countries, % of women students and faculties, % of economically and socially disadvantaged students and facilities for physically challenged students 5] Perception (10% weightage) which includes rating of the institute by its stakeholders through surveys. Maliba Pharmacy College scored 51.19 marks and is the first and the only college in the South Gujarat region to secure the position amongst top 40.
extra curricular: 2015-16 Back
Date: 04.02.2016
Time: 10 am
Place: Bharat cancer hospital Saroli, Surat.
World cancer day is celebrated throughout the world on 4th February , to bring awareness among the people in the society and to provide them knowledge regarding the different types of cancer .The theme was "WE CAN, I CAN" for 2016-2018.
On the fine morning of 4th February the function began with the word of prayer followed by the welcome of the chief guest, the members of Indian medical association, Surat branch. The 3rd year nursing students of MBNC also participated in the celebration of cancer day along with the staff of the Bharat cancer hospital. The cancer screening camp also arranged, around 400 people came for the free cancer screening camp in which our students showed their active participation. There was also an exhibition arranged on poster presentation which was inaugurated by Mr. Mahindra Bhai katargamwala, trusty of Bharat cancer hospital. Students participated very actively and have prepared the colorful posters which were on the topic of A-Z cancer that are faced in day by day lifestyle. Students well directed the people, explained them detaily regarding different types of cancer. Presentation was appreciated by all the faculty of Bharat cancer hospital. Student did their maximum level to create awareness of cancer to the people, all of them well cooperated and have cleared their doubts. Finally the function was done successfully by the help of almighty.
The faculty & students of MBNC have arranged Public Awareness Campaign on World AIDS Day on 1st December 2015 at 9.00 am. A rally was aimed at bringing better awareness on the subject & theme for the year 2015 i.e. Getting to Zero. Displaying banners and placards, the procession was flagged off & led by Lt Col M Jayalakshmi, Principal, MBNC, Bardoli. Raising slogans & messages the rally proceeded from UTU Bardoli Campus headed to Railway Station up to Mudit Palace Circle, Bardoli to bring awareness & removing social stigma & discrimination on AIDS. "Through the street walk, students spread the word about the prevention and social effects of AIDS. They should create awareness in the society about the menace as they are the coming generation who will work as a change agent." The rally generated mass awareness about HIV/AIDS to about 2500 people from the general public. The rally was ended at UTU, Bardoli Campus with refreshments given to students.
Uka Tarsadia University paid a musical tribute to late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam on August 23, 2015. Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam passed away on July 27, 2015 after he collapsed during a lecture at the IIM, Shillong. A career scientist turned reluctant politician, Kalam Saab was a role model and an inspirational idol for millions of people across all age groups. As a token of love and respect for the 'Missile Man', a musical programme, "Main Kalam Hoon, Tujh Ko Chalna Hoga..." was organized at Pushpam Tarsadia Auditorium of Uka Tarsadia University. Shri Bhavin Shastri, Singer of 'O Rahi' and 'Gehlore ki Goriya' songs in the movie "Manjhi - The Mountain Man" gave his voice for the said event. Shri Bhavin and his team treated the audience with three hours of musical extravaganza which comprised of soulful, inspirational and patriotic songs. More than 600 people relished the event with zest, pride and dignity. Shri Sureshbhai Patel, Surat District BJP Pramukh appreciated the efforts of team for organizing such an event. Shri Vinodbhai Acharya, Ex-Principal, Sincerite English Medium School, Bardoli shared a few inspirational pages of Kalam Saab's life. The ambience of the auditorium was brimming over with vanity and esteem. Dr. D. R. Shah, Provost, Uka Tarsadia University shared inspirational words and the idea behind the event - Kalam Saab is a Philosophy and that would never die.
Women Empowerment Fortnight celebrations, was organized by UKA TARSADIA UNIVERSITY as per the directions given by Commisionerate of Technical Education Gujarat State. All the institutions took part in the celebration by organizing various activities on the different themes related to women empowerment. In that, one of the themes was Maternal and Child Nutrition, which was organized by Maniba Bhula Nursing College. Final Year and Third year B. Sc. (N) and Third Year GNM students have given health education through a Role-play. In that they emphasized on self care during Antenatal period, prevention of Intra natal and postnatal complications, care of LBW including KMC and techniques of breast feeding. The drama was performed outside of the Antenatal OPD at Sardar Smarak Hospital at 10:00 am. Another health education was given in Pediatric ward at Sardar Smarak Hospital, Bardoli regarding PEM, Anemia, Prevention of communicable diseases, Personal hygiene, Good Habits, Home care management of diarrhea, Preventive aspects of worm infestation, Immunization and Weaning
Breastfeeding week celebrated on 7th august 2015. Every year since 1993, world breast feeding week is celebrated from 1st to 7th August. This is 23rd year of celebration. The WABA (World Alliances for Breastfeeding Action) co-ordinated the world breastfeeding theme in association with WHO and UNICEF. The theme for 2015 is "BREASTFEEDING AND WORK, LET'S MAKE IT WORK!" Our global goal is increasing prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding to 50% by 2025. International Labour Organization estimates that 830 million women do not have access to adequate maternity leave protection mainly in Africa and Asia, where highest cases of malnourished children are present. Enabling more mothers to breastfeed will require significant changes in national policy and support from home and workplace sector.
As a part of breastfeeding week celebration, the interactive session was organized by Maniba Bhula Nursing College for the faculties and students of various department of UKA TARSADIYA UNIVERSITY. Informative talk was delivered by Dr. GautamVyas, Gynecologist, Mamta Hospital, Bardoli. He stressed on the theme BREASTFEEDING AND WORK, LET'S MAKE IT WORK! This was appropriate for the working and married women. He emphasized on the importance of BREAST FEEDING and it's role child health protection. Approximately 700 staff and students have actively participated in this event. The session was arranged at PushpamTarsadia Hall on 07-08- 2015 at 2:00pm. At the end of the session, memento was presented to the guest.
MOU : 2015-16 Back
Uka Tarsadia University has collaborated with IIT Mumbai for the Spoken Tutorial which is the Project about teaching and learning a particular FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) like Linux, Scilab, LaTeX, PHP & MySQL, Java, C/C++, LibreOffice etc. via an easy Video tool - Spoken Tutorials.In this fast growing world of technology, it is very much necessary for the individuals to have the expertise in the specific field in which he has been working. And for that he needs to get trained with the course of time. Uka Tarsadia University has always been trying to produce students who are having the thorough knowledge of technology and the software available for the specific field. The university started the distance learning in few of the institutes in the beginning but now the university has expanded the programme to all its constituent institutes for the benefits of students. For that the university invited the resource persons of the Project from Mumbai to train and to introduce the Programme to the facultycoordinators of all the constituent institutes. They gave a valuable guidance to all the faculties for the smooth functioning of the programme. It was a successful session and the University is looking forward for the success of the project.
New ventures : 2015-16 Back