Syllabus for Entrance Test

Syllabus for Ph. D. Programme in Management
- Evolution of management thought : Systems and contingency approach for understanding organizations; Management processes, functions, skills and roles in an organization; Social Responsibility of Business; Understanding and Managing individual behaviour; Personality; Perceptions; Attitudes; Learning; Decision-making; Management by Objectives; Understanding and managing group processes - interpersonal and group dynamics; Applications of Emotional Intelligence in organizations. Leadership and influence process; Work Motivation. Understanding arid Managing organizational system-Organizational design and structure, Work stress, Organizational Change and development; Conflict Management; Stress Management.
- Univariate Analysis : An overview of central tendency, dispersion, aid skewness. probability Theory; Classical, relative and subjective probability, - Addition and multiplication probability models; Conditional probability and Baye's Theorem.Probability Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions; Their characteristics and applications. Sampling and sampling methods; Sampling and non-Sampling error Law, Sampling distributions and their characteristics, Statistical Estimation and Testing; Point and interval estimation of population mean, proportion, and variance; Statistical testing of hypothesis and errors; Large and small sampling tests-Z, t and F tests.
- Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics, Fundamental Concepts in Managerial Economics, Role and Responsibilities of Managerial Economist, Law & Nature of Demand, Demand Determinants, Demand Forecasting, Demand Function, Elasticity of Demand, Consumer Surplus, Law of Returns and Production Functions, Price-output decisions under different market conditions-Perfect and Imperfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, Non-Price Competition, Price Discrimination, Balance of Payment, Concept and measurement of National Income, Gross Domestic Savings, Gross Domestic Capital Formation, Balance of Payments, Monetary and Fiscal Policy
- Financial Accounting - Concept, Importance and Scope, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Preparation of Financial Statements with special reference to analysis of a Balance Sheet and Measurement of Business Income, Financial Statement Analysis - Ratio Analysis, Funds Flow Analysis, The Statement of Cash Flows, Management Accounting - Concept, Need, Importance and Scope; Basic Concepts in Cost Accounting - Material, Labour, Overheads, Job and Process Costing,Budget and Budgetary Control, Types of Budget - Flexible Budget, Cash Budget, Costing for Decision-making, Standard Costing, Cost Volume Profit Analysis, Responsibility Accounting.
- o An Overview, Acquisition of funds, allocation of funds and allocation of income, Nature and Scope, Profit Maximisation v/s Wealth Maximisation, Financial levarage, Operating leverage, Capital Budgeting : Concept and Significance, Derivative of Cash flow in a Capital Budgeting Situation, Techniques and methods of capital budgeting, conflicts between NPV and IPR, Cost of capital: assumption, determination of specific cost of capital and weighted average cost of capital, Working Capital Management: overview, Management of Cash, Accounts receivables and inventories, Financing current assets, Retained earnings and Dividend Policy, Types of Dividend, Dividend Theories, Dividend Practices in India, Sources of Long Term and Short-term Finance.
- Concepts and Perspectives on Human Resource Management; Evolution and Philosophy of Human Resource Management, HR challenges in changing environment, Human Resource Policy and Planning; Job Analysis. Methods of , Job Analysis, Description , Job specification, Recruiting and Selecting Human Resources ,Placement, and Induction, Manpower Training and Development, Performance Appraisal and Potential Evaluation; Job Evaluation, Wage Determination and Compensation management, Employees' Welfare; Industrial Relations & Trade Unionism; Grievance Management.
- Concept, Nature and scope. Marketing Environment, Ps of Marketing, Marketing Information & Research, Market Segmentation and Targeting, Buying Behaviour. Understanding Consumer & Industrial Markets, Product Decisions - Types of Product, Product Life Cycle, New Product Development Stages, Branding and Pricing Methods, Factors Influencing Pricing Decisions, Channel Management, Sales Management, Promotion Management, Marketing Control, Specific Marketing Issues :Rural Marketing, Retail Marketing, Marketing of E-Business, Consumerism, Globalisation, Green Marketing
- Concepts of Research, Scientific Approach to Research, Types of Social Science Researches. Research Process and Planning for Research, Formulation of Research Problem, Research Designs - Exploratory, Descriptive and Experimental Research Designs, Sampling Design, Sources and Methods of Data Collection, Observation Design, Interviewing for Research, Formulation of Questionnaire.
- Nature, components and determinants of business environment, dynamics of business environment, key indicators; Risk in business environment, Assessing business environment - country risk and political risk. Current state of business environment in India Economic reforms - Liberalisation, privatisation, globalisation, industrial policy and industrialisation trends, public enterprise reforms and disinvestment programmes; competitive environment; financial environment ,India's current balance of payment position, globalisation trends, Trade reforms & trends, rends in global trade & investment; Nature & operations of multilateral economic institutions- World Bank, WTO IMF and their impact on Indian business environment. Factors of global competitiveness.
- An Introduction to business policy - Nature, Objective and importance of business policy; An overview of strategic management; Strategic decision making; Process of strategic decision making. Strategy Formulation, Company's mission, purpose and objectives; Corporate strategy - concept, significance and objectives; types of strategies, corporate strategy Concept of value chair and competitive advantage. Strategy implementation - Designing organisational structure and activating strategies; Matching structure and activating strategy, Structural, Behavioural and Functional implementation. Concept of synergy. Strategy Evaluation - Strategic evaluation and Control, Strategic and Operational Control; techniques of evaluation and control, Role of organisational system in evaluation
- Importance and nature of business communication, Effective communication skills; Process of communication Oral and Non-Verbal communication, Barriers and gateways in communication and Do's and Don't of business writing, Commercial letters; Writing business and academic reports; Public speaking, listening and Negotiations; conducting and attending interview and meetings.