Extracurricular Activities

The National Service Scheme (NSS), a voluntary and value-based student youth programme, is one of the major youth schemes being operated in the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. The Scheme was launched with the primary objective of developing the personality and character of the student youth through voluntary community service.
The National Service Scheme (NSS) was introduced at Uka Tarsadia University since the year 2016. It is a program for the students to provide them with an opportunity to interact with the community.
Aims & Objectives:
The aims and objectives of the NSS are:
- 1. to render service to the community while studying in an educational institution;
- 2. to arouse the social conscience among students;
- 3. to provide them with an opportunity to work creatively and constructively with the community around the educational campus; and
- 4. to put the education they receive to concrete social use; and specifically,
- 5. to work with and among the people;
- 6. to engage in creative and constructive social action;
- 7. to enhance knowledge of oneself and the community through a face-to-face with reality;
- 8. to use the knowledge gained in the classroom in a practical way for mitigating at least some of the social problems; and
- 9. to gain skills in programme development to be able to be self-employed.
The goals are to achieve improvement in personality, leadership qualities, national outlook and a sense of civic responsibility. The ultimate goal of the scheme is to strive to inculcate the bond of patriotism, national integration, brotherhood, communal harmony among these volunteers.
UTU Programme Co-ordinators
Name | Contact | Mobile | |
Dr. Gajanan Kalyankar | Programme Coordinator | gkalyankar@utu.ac.in | 9574212301 |
Dr. Sandesh Lodha | Proramme officer | Sandesh.lodha@utu.ac.in | 9998944423 |
Mr. Hardik Vyas | Proramme officer | Hardik.vyas@utu.ac.in | 9825658143 |
Dr. Divya Gadaria | Proramme officer | Divya.gadaria@utu.ac.in | 9925207582 |
Mr. Jay Patel | Proramme officer | Jay.patel@utu.ac.in | 7621946204 |
Dr. Pritesh Patel | Proramme officer | Pritesh.patel@utu.ac.in | 9913668812 |
Programmes under NSS
The NSS has two types of programmes:
- (a) Regular activities.
Under the "Regular Activities", students are expected to work as volunteers for a continuous period of two years, rendering community service for a minimum of 120 hours per annum (i.e. 240 hours over 2-year period).
- (b) Special Camping programmes
Under "Special Camping Programme", a camp of 07 days' duration is conducted every year in the adopted area on a specific theme. Each student is required to participate in at least one Special Camp over 2-year period.
The nature of activities taken up under NSS continue to evolve in response to the needs of the community. An illustrative list of some of the activities undertaken under NSS is as follows:
- Education: adult literacy, pre-school education, continuing education of school drop-outs, legal literacy, consumer awareness, programmes on eradication of social evils, etc.
- Health, Family Welfare and Nutrition: immunisation, blood donation, health education, AIDS awareness, population education and family welfare programmes, working with people in nutrition programmes, provision of safe drinking water, life skill education, etc.
- Environment Conservation: plantation of trees and their preservation/ upkeep, cleaning and maintenance of streets, drains etc., construction of sanitary latrines, watershed management, soil conservation, etc.
- Social Service Programmes: Work in hospitals, institutions for disabled persons, orphanages, old-age homes, women welfare institutions, etc.
- Programmes for improving Status of Women: awareness generation reg. women’s rights, creating awareness among women reg. how they can contribute to the social and economic well-being of the community, imparting skill training to women wherever possible.
- Production-oriented Programmes: working with people and teaching them about improved agricultural practices, soil testing, repair of agricultural machinery, assistance and guidance in animal resource development, promoting small savings, assistance in procuring bank loans.
- Relief and Rehabilitation during Natural Calamities: assisting and working with local authorities in rescue and relief operation, in distribution of rations, medicines, clothing, immunisation and inoculation, etc.
Incentives to NSS Volunteers
NSS volunteers get the following incentives:
- A certificate signed by Hon. Vice-Chancellor & NSS Programme Co-ordinator from University after completing 240 hours in two consecutive years ( i.e. 120 hours each year) and one special camp of Ten days according to rules and regulation of the University NSS Cell.
- Preference in Public Service Commission if he has a certificate for 2 years of service in NSS and for attending a Special Camp (i.e. If there are two candidates of same caliber the candidates with NSS Certificate will be given preference)
- Extra marks/weightage are given for the NSS Certificate (completing 240 hours & one Special camp) at the time of admission to various programs.
- Best Volunteer awarded at University level, District level and State level & National Integration camp.
- Participation in State / National Integration camp.
- Participation in State / National Republic-Day Parade.