Library Committee
- Dr. Anil Mishra - Chairperson
- Dr. Smit Shah- Co-ordinator
- Dr. Hiral Shah - Member
As the intellectual and physical commons of our great University, we advance discovery
and encourage the growth of knowledge. We anticipate and meet the information needs
of our diverse communities, at any time and in any place. We prepare students for
success in life as information smart global citizens.
The mission of SRCP's library and Learning Resources Center is to support the university
mission in identifying, organizing, preserving and offering accessible resources
which serve the needs of college members, students and the community at large. In
addition the library seeks to locate, acquire, organize and select the most appropriate
material and make it accessible to users. It is also the mission of the library
to build a comprehensive, balanced library collection and provide a good environment
for reading, learning and research.
Goals and Objectives:
Provide current library materials and databases that support the academic curriculum
- Provide access to information resources, regardless of location
Collect library materials in all formats, broaden and update all collections
Educate and Assist College, students and staff in the identification and effective
use of information resources
Preserve's collections and materials, and maintain and upgrade physical and
technological infrastructure to enhance the quality of services
Recognize that a minimum expectable standard is one resource per topic per student
- Work closely with users; know their needs and interests
Put into practice the motto that building library resources is a continuous process
and to improve the speed and quality of the resource discovery process.
Library Resources
Sr. No.
News Paper
Project /Thesis
Total CD
Admission to Library
Students are allowed to library only on production of their authorized/valid Identity
Library Hours and Holidays
Monday to Saturday - 8:30 am to 4 pm.
Library remains closed on public holidays.
Rules and regulation
Users are expected to observe the following rules while using the library services;
any violation of these rules will incur appropriate disciplinary action.
- Silence to be maintained
- No discussion permitted inside the library
Leave your personal belongings such as handbags, briefcases, etc., outside the library
entrance, on your own responsibility. The library disclaims any liability for loss
or damage.
Using Cellular phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone
is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
Enter your name and Sign in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering
library Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library
to the staff at the entrance counter.
- Ask for help from library staff if you are unable to find your required material
Report lost books or other materials to the library immediately to stop overdue
Do not write, underline or mark any book. Library books are carefully examined on
return and the borrower will be held responsible for the damage.
In case of lost Library Card, please immediately report to the circulation staff
so that your membership is temporarily blocked to prevent misuse of the Library
Card. Once you get a replacement, please inform circulation staff so that your memberships
can be re-activated.
While returning library books or other materials at the Circulation Desk please
ensure that the circulation staff has returned the book(s).
The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall
return the same immediately.
Library borrower cards are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the
books borrowed on his/her card.
It is observed that some of the students do not return the Library Books on or before
the due date stamped on the date slip attached in the book depriving other students.
In order to prevent such students from keeping Library books with them beyond due
date, the fine charged will be as follows: First week after the due date: Rs. 10/-
per day For second week after the due date: Rs. 20/- per day
- Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken anywhere in the library premises
Note: Violation of these Rules will call for punitive action against the erring