Dr. Chunibhai Vallabhbhai Patel College of Pharmacy

The ambition to improve individual's quality of life is what most differentiates man from other living species. Curing and mitigating ailments is the utmost significant step towards enhancing quality life. The human brain is constantly engaged in investigating the complexities of many elements of human health, hygiene, and medicine. Pharmacists play an important role in the healthcare system by conducting knowledge-based research, manufacturing, and distributing high-quality medications and pharmaceuticals.
With this objective, Uka Tarsadia University is set to establish the premier institute, “Dr. Chunibhai Vallabhbhai Patel College of Pharmacy” in the picturesque campus of University on Bardoli-Mahuva Road. This project is dreamt by the prime donor Dr. Rashmikant Patel in the memory of his late father for the sake of service to motherland and contribution to society.
Our vision
- To be a prime destination for the robust and archetypal teaching environment, a fountainhead of new ideas and innovations in pharmaceutical science and continue to be a source of pride for all its stakeholders.
Our mission
- To promote academic growth and generate new knowledge by engaging in cutting-edge research and offering state-of-the-art pharmacy programs.
- To develop human potential to its fullest extent so that intellectually capable and imaginatively gifted leaders can emerge in the healthcare profession.