Mission, Vision and Objective

To serve the society by creation, augmentation, dissemination and perpetuation of knowledge through highest level of learning and research.
To become a preeminent education hub that is responsive to the changing needs of a knowledge-based global society.
- To impart holistic education in the context of dynamic global challenges.
- To mobilize resources which promote acquisition, retention and application of knowledge.
- To provide a platform for economic development through collaboration with academic institutes and industries.
University Status
Twenty first century and globalization has created the need for evolution of newer centers of learning and higher education in the country. The establishment of Uka Tarsadia University in 2011 by the Bardoli Pradesh Kelavani Mandal with the help of generous donation from B U Patel, USA is an effort towards meeting the growing demand for quality education. The University offers admissions in a comprehensive array of academic programs across the disciplines of Management, Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, Bio Technology, Micro Biology, Science, Pharmacy, Commerce, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Physical Education and others that lead students to self-enrichment and productive careers in their respective professions, government, business and industry.
Located in the Southern region of the state of Gujarat in India, the university provides educational opportunities to over 5000 students. More than 300 faculty members of the university represent an eclectic mix of professional and academic, national and international experiences.
Bardoli Pradesh Kelavani Mandal

Bardoli Pradesh Kelavani Mandal (BPKM) is a Public Trust established in 1960 to cater to the educational needs of the tribal belt of South Gujarat region. In the beginning, it started graduate and postgraduate programs in Arts, Commerce, Science and Pharmacy. The year 1999 saw a major paradigm shift with the birth of Maliba Campus, Gopal Vidyanagar. It was nothing short of a miracle. The campus had little except a humble wish to contribute to Bardoli that seemed to lack almost everything in terms of professional education.
Many years have gone by since that humble beginning. These years have witnessed miraculous growth in the number of courses offered to the students at the campus. In this sort span, Pharmacy College, Business Administration College, Computer Science and Information Technology College, Institute of Biotechnology, Nursing College, Sports College and Engineering and Technology College were established at the campus. A gigantic leap was taken by the trust in the year 2008, when it envisioned Maliba Campus to become a full-fledged University - 'Uka Tarsadia University'. The dream was realized on 28th March 2011 when the Government of Gujarat passed the Act in legislature and recognized Uka Tarsadia University.
Maliba Campus takes pride not so much in its huge edifices or its capacious campus, but in its spirit to serve humanity. BPKM always ensures that anyone who steps in this campus experience our compassion for humanity, love for truth, and feeling of respect for each member of the organization. Looking back, we feel that we owe much to all those who made this miracle possible. They have built for us a great legacy and tradition of selfless help to the cause of education and humanity. Looking ahead now, we are confident that dreams are realized. Having seen all the miracles that have happened here in the past, we are sure that there are more to follow.
An Overview of Holistic Education
As a part of the process of societal evolution, human has been conditioned to be more observant to bodily experiences and empirical things. Thereby, we have gained a significant understanding of the material world and are less responsive to things that are immaterial and invaluable.
Unfortunately, our education system could not remain impervious from this unidimensional approach. The focus has been on developing the intellectual potentials of student learners, thereby ignoring the emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative and spiritual potentials.
Holistic education is based on the premise that each person finds identity, meaning, and purpose in life through connections to the community, to the natural world, and to spiritual values such as compassion and peace.
Uka Tarsadia University seeks to engage students in the teaching-learning process and encourage personal and social responsibility. It is progressively working towards building and encouraging a system wherein the students learn about themselves, relationships, about resilience and aesthetics. These involve learning self respect and self esteem; social and emotional literacy; the art of overcoming difficulties, facing challenges; and seeing the beauty around them and learn to have awe in life.

Implementation of Holistic Education
It is the goal of education at Uka Tarsadia University; we believe it will also be the guiding principle of the future trends of higher education in Gujarat. Every child is more than a future employee; every person's intelligence and abilities are far more complex than his or her scores on standardized tests. When implementing, holistic education is embodied in the four balances as explicated in the following:
1. Balance between Specialty and General Knowledge:The Uka Tarsadia University aims to build a well-rounded knowledge base by helping students. Specialization equips one with the power to do a specialized job; while general knowledge affords one a wider horizon. Facing diverse and ever-changing environment, students need to find a balance between professional and general knowledge. They need to build a knowledge framework where both can reinforce each other and produce synergy. While engaging in the vertical pursuit of professional knowledge, university students should also be aware of various disciplines outside their professional fields. We, at Uka Tarsadia University aim at helping students build a well-rounded knowledge base.
2. Balance between Character-building and Knowledge-building:We place equal emphasis on orienting students to excel academically and as well as on their character building. Young students with biased or distorted personality often are the cause of unease. Their inability to communicate often becomes the source of social disturbance. Therefore, we aim to enable students to view things from different perspectives and to communicate free of prejudice. In an era of team work, we hope that the student cultivates a sound character while building a solid base of knowledge. The two elements can reinforce each other, and their synergy would prove to students' advantage.
3. Balance between Self and Group:The world is increasingly moving towards a trend of collaborative learning, and there is a greater need to address the importance of interaction between self and group. Students need to be more participative to ensure an efficient learning process. Implementing this principle, besides academic pursuits, students are taught to serve. They are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular and community service activities. They learn to help and also gain leadership skills. The campus and various facilities of the university are open to the public at large. We therefore look forward to a unique campus culture whereby students and community can grow together.
4. A Balance between Body, Mind, and Spirit:One of our goals in Holistic Education is to help students find a balance between body, mind, and spirit. The University has excellent facilities of Stadiums and Sports Centers. Students are very keen on competing in sports. It also provides excellent health care facilities. In addition, proficient counseling teams provide service to faculty and students in need.
Culture under Holistic Education
Uka Tarsadia's approach to holistic education that characterizes its vision of education is developed in response to the rapidly changing time and after rethinking of the position of college education. We hope to create a unique "Campus - study environment, ethics and culture" at the turn of the new century. With these ideals, the University has set for itself three guiding principles:
1. Encouraging Free-Thinking:We strive to cultivate students who will have a farsighted vision, an objectivity to tell right from wrong, and a sense of justice that keeps them in the path of righteousness. We should strive to develop a campus environment where students learn to study independently and think with freedom. Free thinking is essential for, the campus that is gradually becoming more democratic and diverse, for an ever-changing dynamic society and in an era wherein the sense of values and moral standards are becoming vague day by day.
2. Emphasizing Accountabilities and Ethics:Good behavior is grounded in a healthy sense of morality and ethics. Education groundedin morality and ethics thus builds tolerance, empathy, honesty, and integrity. As part of our general education curriculum, students are required to learn ethics in - business, engineering, computers or pharmacy. The purpose is to instill in students accountability and law-abiding spirits. We aim at producing citizens who care, that are willing to contribute and shoulder responsibilities whether in an organization or in society. We hope this to become a campus culture and a reason for the corporate sectors to commend our students, and hence our university.
3. Working towards the Spirit of Holistic Education:Holistic education must have a bearing on all Uka Tarsadia University students.We will spare no effort in deepening and furthering the influence of the four balances on our students. Therefore in June 2008, we started Shrimad Rajchandra Center of Value Education. We are working towards the establishment of Humanities and Social Science Education Center. The center will directly report to the President and will be responsible for the development of courses in humanities and general education, with emphasis on incorporating the ideals of holistic education in courses offered in general education. Courses offered in every department will be geared towards the ideals of holistic education. Everything at the university - from the course content, teaching methodology, evaluation, practicum, to research and publishing, will be carried out under the guiding principles of holistic education.