
Maniba Bhula Nursing College

Uka Tarsadia University


National Conference


“Control Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Today: Prepare Healthy Youth for Tomorrow”

Date: 28th September 2024


Pushpam Tarsadia Hall

About the Conference

Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) kill 41 million people each year equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally. Tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diets increase the risk of premature NCD deaths. An important way to control NCDs is to focus on reducing the risk factors associated with these diseases. The conference goal is to empower youth to be trendsetters to combat the burden of emerging NCDs

Aim of the Conference

This conference aims to increase the knowledge of participants and help to combat emerging NCDs among the young adult.

Theme of the Conference

Control Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Today: Prepare Healthy Youth for Tomorrow.

Sub Themes
  • • Global Burden and Emerging epidemics of NCD.
  • • People centered approach to NCDs.
  • • Initiative to prevent and control NCDs.
  • • Policies and Programs for reducing NCDs.
  • • Health system readiness, challenges and opportunities in tackling NCDS.

The participants will be able to:

  • 1. Broaden their understanding of the burden of NCDs and emerging epidemics of NCDs worldwide.
  • 2. Describe the people centered approach, roles and challenges for the prevention and control of NCDs.
  • 3. Acquire knowledge on program and policies to reduce NCDs
  • 4 .Gain insight in the Health system readiness, challenges and opportunities in tackling NCDs
About the University

The establishment of Uka Tarsadia University in 2011 by the Bardoli Pradesh Kelavani Mandal .The University offers admissions in a comprehensive array of academic programs across the disciplines of Management, Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, Bio Technology, Micro Biology, Science, Pharmacy, Commerce, Nursing, Physiotherapy and others that lead students to self-enrichment and productive careers in their respective professions. UTU is established under Gujarat Private University Act No. 25 - 2011 Government of Gujarat and approved under section 22 of UGC Act 1956 and accredited by NAAC with B+ Grade.

About Maniba Bhula Nursing College

Maniba Bhula Nursing College is the constituent institute of Uka Tarsadia University and recognized by Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, as well as Gujarat Nursing Council for its purpose of nursing education since 2008. Maniba Bhula Nursing College strives to impart quality nursing education in B.Sc. Nursing, Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing, GNM, M.Sc. Nursing and Ph. D. to students from India and abroad and in turn provide the society with improved quality of health care.

Paper Presentations

Only registered delegates are eligible to present paper. Paper should be prepared in IMRD format in English language. The time allotted for each presentation is 10 minutes including 3 minute discussion. The final decision regarding acceptance & other process will be intimated by scientific committee.

Last date for abstract submission by 18 th September, 2024. Submission of Abstract of paper to

For more details contact to scientific committee Incharge - Dr. Gibin Thomas: 9624360843

How to reach

Contact Details / Organizing Committee

Dr. D.R. Shah Provost,
Uka Tarsadia University

Organizing Secretary

Dr. Parisha Chaudhari, Asst. Prof-7874791116 ,
Mrs. Sejal Rabari, Lecturer-6355254965 ,

Conference Chairperson:
Dr. Rani Shetty
Dean & Director MBNC, UTU.
Mrs. Hiral Panchal
Vice-Principal, MBNC, UTU.
Registration Committee

Ms. Rinal Barad: 9574105506
Ms. Shivani Dafda: 8980940558

Scientific Committee

Dr. Gibin Thomas: 9624360843

Registration & Breakfast: 8:30 am
Time Topic Resource person
9:30 to 10:30 AM “Global burden and emerging epidemics of NCDS” Dr. Anita Nawale, Vice- Principal, Sandra Shroff College of Nursing, Vapi.
10:30 to 11:30 AM “People centered approach to NCDS” Mrs. Bharti Sanadiya, Principal, Govt. College of Nursing, Vadodara.
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM “Prevention and control: initiative for NCDS." Dr. Rupali Salvi, Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Nursing, Pune.
12:30 to 01:30 PM Lunch Girl’s Hostel
1:30 to 2:30 PM “Newstart: policies and program for NCDS” Mr. Adithya S. Professor Cum HOD, Sumandip College of Nursing, Vadodara
2:30 to 3:30 PM Panel discussion “health system readiness, challenges and opportunities in tackling NCDS” 1. Dr. Amrut Patel
2. Dr. Alsheshiya Patel
3. Mr. Kiran Domadia
4. Mr. Siddaram Sarate
3:30 to 4:00 PM
Valedictory Session
04:00 to 04:30 PM
High Tea
Registration Details

For Ph.D. Scholars, Faculty, PG, UG, Nurses registration fees as follows

For Ph.D. Scholars, Faculty, Nurses registration fees as follows

For Students

Registration Committee

Mrs. Rinal Barad-9574105506

Mrs. Shivani Dafda- 8980940558

Payment mode Online/Cash/Cheque/DD in favour of

Last Date of Registration: 22/09/2024
Online Payment Link