Medicinal Plant Garden

A therapeutic approach, as old as humanity itself, is the healing with medicinal herbs. There is a long history of human interaction with nature to search for medicines from the natural resources existing around him. As humans battled various ailments, they learnt to look for remedies in the barks, seeds, fruits, leaves, and other parts of plants. Modern pharmacology has recognized and taken into account the therapeutic effects of medications with botanical origins, which were used for millennia by ancient civilizations.

On the lush-green campus of Uka Tarsadia University, Maliba Pharmacy College has developed a large medicinal plant garden to educate students about the importance of medicinal plant conservation, their taxonomy, morphology, microscopy, and their traditional uses. This garden was created with the intention of maintaining a collection of the most popular and significant species of medicinal and aromatic plants that have therapeutic significance in curing diseases as well as in general well-being.

The large medicinal garden houses about 200 medicinal plants, representing about 70 different species, all organized and labelled for easy identification. Seasonal, ornamental, traditional medicinal, nutraceutical, and cosmetic plants are among the numerous categories. The medicinal plant garden also serve

The medicinal plant collection also serves as a useful resource for the students and researchers to get hands-on experience of growing and nurturing the plants, collecting various parts of plants and extracting their therapeutically significant phytoconstituents.