Distinctive approach towards Priority:

A wide range of initiatives are being made to ensure the completedevelopment of every student attending Uka Tarsadia University,which reflects this concern. Unique features are implemented forUniversity students in order to do this.

  • The University increased the "Value Added Courses," such asSkill-Development Courses, and Social Activities, to introducestudents to non-academic activities. Periodically, theUniversity hosts expert lectures from renowned professionals.
  • Through industrial visits, expert discussions, technical paperpresentations, and industry related live projects for studentswith full staff participation, University foster relationshipsbetween industry and institutes.
  • A grading system that provides systematic evaluation andawards grade points to students who participate in and valueco-curricular and extracurricular activities.
Distinctive approach towards Thrust:

The following strategies are those that typically help every studentadvance in their careers.

  • Through the University's "International Students Affairs"branch, off-campus study tours are occasionally organized forstudents to experience a higher level of education. Studentsare encouraged to accelerate their career progress in thisway.
  • The University has made "Vocational Training"available tostudents so they can gain experience to the business world inregards to
    1. Workplace culture
    2. Practical experience in the area of study.
    3. Application of subject-matter knowledge
    4. Understanding organizational behaviour
    5. Time, Men, Material, and Money Management
  • A chance for all University stakeholders to engage inentrepreneurship and start-up through student startups andinnovation projects.