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Research and Extension

Workshops/Seminars/Training Organized


  • One Day workshop on learning Physics through experiments on 25 October, 2023








Research Publications :


  • Yash Doshi, AdhishRaval, Aditi Pathak, Dimple Shah,Vishva Jain , Jiten Tailor, Hiren Desai,and Piyush Patel, Quaternary In0.15Sn0.85(Se0.95S0.05)2crystal: Synthesis, characterization, and its multiple applications. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2024, 173, p.108110
  • Santilata Sahoo, Vishva Jain , Dimple Shah, Das, R. and Aditi Pathak, Effect of Mo doping in vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) for dye degradation. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2024, 627, p.127491
  • Vikas Patel , Raghav Chaturvedi, Ajaykumar Rai, Study Spectroscopic Properties of B and Bs-mesons using Screened Potential 2024, 98,p.1


  • Hitesh Rajput, Abhitosh Kedia and Dimple Shah; Implication of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized using Fruit Peel Extract as Antioxidant Agent and Catalytic Degradation, ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 12 114001
  • Yash Doshi,VishvaJain, AdhishRaval, Aditi Pathak, Sunita Yadav, Dimple Shah, Hiren Desai, and Piyush Patel,. A comprehensive analysis of In0. 15Sn0. 85 (Se0. 95S0. 05) 2 crystals as a promising material for self-powered photodetector. Optical Materials, 2023, 144, p.114295.
  • Vishva Jain, Yash Doshi, Mona Shah,Jaymin Ray, AbhitoshKedia, KinjalPatel, and Dimple Shah, Enhancing Dye Degradation Property of MoO3 Nanoplates by Vanadium Doping. ECS Advances, 2023, 2(4), p.042003.
  • Kinjal Patel, Vishva Jain, Jaymin Ray, Keyur Patel, Dharmendra Tawde, Gopal BhattStructural and Optical Properties of Nickel Sulphide Nano Materials and Thin Film,Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 2023, 14 (81), 66393
  • Mondal Roy, Sutapa, Bijal R. Mehta, Sarthak Trivedi, Bhumika K. Sharma, and Debesh R. Roy. "Biological activity of some thiazolyl‐thiadiazines as BACE‐1 inhibitors for Alzheimer's disease in the light of density functional theory based quantum descriptors." Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2023, 36, 12.
  • Shankar Lal, Sushila,Kinjal Patel, Jaymin Ray, S.S Sharma Impact and Its Analysis of Defects on the Performance of CuSbS2 Solar Cell using SCAPS-1D, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 2023, 14, p.66386
  • SS Sharma, K Sharma, J Sahu,Jaymin Ray, SK Gupta, S Dalela, Role of rare-earth oxides, conjugated with , in the enhancement of power conversion efficiency of dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(44),p.98760-98772
  • K Sharma, SS Sharma, Jaymin Ray, NB Chaure, Investigation of Ru-complex free Natural dye for the application of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs), Journal of Integrated Science and Technology 2023, 11(3),p.529-529
  • Jaymin Ray, K Patel, SS Sharma, U Parihar, PR Ghediya, Influence of Copper Concentration on Structural Properties of CuSbS2 Material for Solar Cell Application, Strength of Materials, 2023, 54,p.1130–1137
  • MK Jangid, SS Sharma,Jaymin Ray, DK Yadav, C Lal, Structural, optical and electrical characterizations of Mg/Ti/Ni multilayer thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering for hydrogen storage, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48 (96),p.37921-37929


  • Abhitosh Kedia, Ranjan Singhal, Senthil Kumar; Shape trimming and LSPR tuning of colloidal gold nanostars, Chemical Physics Letters, 2022, 807, 140101.
  • Vishva Jain, YashDoshi, AdhishRaval, Dimple Shah, Facial synthesis of V-doped α-MoO3 nanoparticles for potential ethanol/alcohol sensors,PhysicaScripta, 2023, 98(1), p.015817.
  • Jaymin Ray, Panorama View of Most Voguish Field Effect Transistor (FET) Based Biosensors. Material Science Research India, 2022, 19(2)DOI: 10.13005/msri/190202Editorial Article
  • MK Jangid, SS Sharma, Jaymin Ray, Study on Hydriding Kinetics, Structural Properties and Electrical Conductivity of DC Magnetron Sputtered Mg/Al Thin Films, Solid State Phenomena, 2022, 338 p.83-90
  • Sabrina Tair, Prashant Ghediya, Abdelkader NebattiEchChergui, MhamedGuezzoul, Sanat Kumar Mukherjee, KouiderDriss-Khodja, Rajan Singh, Jaymin Ray and BouhalouaneAmrani, n-type SnS2 thin films spray-coated from transparent molecular ink as a non-toxic buffer layer for solar photovoltaics, PhysicaScripta, 2022, 97(9)p.095810.


  • Prashant R Ghediya, Yash M Palan, Drashti P Bhangadiya, Ishrat I Nakani, Tapas K Chaudhuri, Kinjal Joshi, CK Sumesh,Jaymin Ray, Electrical properties of Ag/p-Cu2NiSnS4 thin film Schottky diode, Materials Today Communications, 2021, 28 p.102697
  • Vikas Patel ,Raghav Chaturvedi , A.K.rai “Spectroscopic Properties of D-meson using Screened Potential ” , Eur.Phys. J. Plus, 2021 136, 42.
  • Vikas Patel, Keval Gandhi, Ajay Kumar Rai : “Interpreting charm-strange mesons with a screened potential model” , Few-Body System 2021, 62, 68.


  • Usha Parihar,Jaymin Ray, Naresh Padha, C. J. Panchal, Effect of CuIn1-xAlxSe2 (CIAS) thinfilm thickness and diode annealing temperature on Al/p-CIAS Schottky Diode, Bulletin of Material Science, 2020, 43, p.274
  • Prashant R. Ghediya, Tapas K. Chaudhuri, Jaymin Ray, HeenaL.Panjwani, Priyanka J.Hemani, Priya P. Paneri, Ravirajsinh, J.Jadav, Keyur D. Rupapara, Ritesh R. Joshi, Synthesis and characterizations of copper cadmium sulphide (CuCdS2) as potential absorber for thin film photovoltaics, Materials Chemistry and Physics 2020, 252,p.123382
  • Prashant R. Ghediya, Tapas K. Chaudhuri,Jaymin Ray, HeenaL.Panjwani, Priyanka J.Hemani, Priya P. Paneri, Ravirajsinh, J.Jadav, Keyur D. Rupapara, Ritesh R. Joshi, Synthesis and characterizations of copper cadmium sulphide (CuCdS2) as potential absorber for thin film photovoltaics, Materials Chemistry and Physics 2020, 252,p.123382
  • Prashant R. Ghediya, Tapas K. Chaudhuri,Jaymin Ray , Electrical transport properties of dip-coated nanocrystalline Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31(1), p.658–666
  • AdhishRaval, Israr Shaikh,VishvaJain, Nisha Shastri, Piyush Patel, Lalit Saini, and Dimple Shah, Deposition and Characterization of Indium Selenide Thin Films for Opto-electronic Devices. Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics, 2020, 12(2).
  • Vishva Jain, Dimple Shah,Kinjal Patel , and Mona Shah, Surfactant Free Synthesis and Study of Vanadium Pentoxide Nanostructure. Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics, 2020, 17(2).


  • M. Verma, , M. B. Newmaia,AbhitoshKediaand P. S. Kumar; Pertinent Shape Effects of Gold Nanospheres and Nanostellates; IOSR-JAP, 2017, 9, p.21-26
  • Jaymin Ray, Tapas K. Chaudhuri, Chetan Panchal, Kinjal Patel, Keyur Patel, Gopal Bhatt, Priya Suryavanshi, PbS-ZnO Solar Cell: A Numerical Simulation, Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 2017, 9, p.03041


  • M. Verma,Abhitosh Kedia, M. B. Newmaia and P. S. Kumar; Differential role of PVP on the synthesis of plasmonic gold nanostructures and their catalytic and SERS properties, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 80342,



List of Paper Published in conferences proceedings :


  • Vikas Patel and Ajay Kumar Rai: Di-photon(γγ) decay for charmonium (c¯c) 1313-1314 (Sita publication)(ISBN num: 978-81-959225- 1-2)(67th DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys.) (2023)


  • Vishva Jain, Dimple Shah, and Kinjal Patel,. Study of vanadium pentoxide thin film prepared by spin coating method. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022,48, pp.706-708
  • Abhitosh Kedia, Hitesh Rajput, Dimple Shah, Harshid A. Gamit, Natrajan Amaresan, Sustainable synthesis of silver nanoparticles using fruit waste and its antibacterial activity , 2022, 68, 299-305
  • Abhitosh Kedia,Hitesh Rajput, Dimple Shah, Neha Sharma, “Exploiting Reducing Ability of DMF for Assembled Gold Nanostructures”, Materials Research Proceedings 2022, 22 , 102-108.
  • Vikas Patel, Raghav Chaturvedi and Ajay Kumar Rai: Mass spectra in radial excited state for (P-wave) Charmonia and Bottomonia 873-874 (Sita publication)(ISBN num: 978-81-959225- 1-2)(66th DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys.) (2022)
  • Vikas Patel : Spectroscopic of Heavy (c, b) Flavoured Mesons in Screening Potential 1313-1314 (Sita publication) (ISBN num: 978-81-959225- 1-2)(66th DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys.) (2022)
  • M.K.Jangid, S.S.SharmaJaymin Ray , Satish Jangid, Effect of annealing and hydrogenation on optical and electrical properties of DC sputtered Mg-Ni bilayer thin films, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022, 67, 847-851


  • Abhitosh Kedia, Synthesis of gold nanoparticles using fruit waste, AIP Conf. Proc. 2021, 2369, 020168
  • Vishva Jain, Sweety Patel, Priyanshi Patel,Kinjal Patel, and Dimple Shah,. Study of molybdenum trioxide thin film deposited using dip coating method. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021, 42, pp.1700-1703.
  • Vishva Jain, Dimple Shah,Kinjal Patel,and Yash Doshi, Surfactant free synthesis and characterization of α-MoO3 nanoplates: A feasibility study to remove methylene blue from aqueous medium. In IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering 2021, 1126, 1.
  • Vikas Patel and Ajay Kumar Rai : Masses of (S and P Wave) B and Bs mesons” (Proceeding Virtual International Conference Physical Sciences) (ICPS2021at SVNIT).
  • Vikas Patel and AjayKumar Rai: The Masses and decay constant of Bc mesons ,541-542 , 65, 53: 13 (ISBN: 818372084-6) (65th DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys.) (2021)
  • Jaymin Ray, Kinjal Patel, Keyur Patel, Gopal Bhatt, Usha Parihar, Studies on Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) powder and thin film prepared from Molecular ink, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021, 42(4), p.1723-1726


  • Vikas Patel, Keval Gandhi, Raghav chaturvedi, Virendrashih Kher and A.K.Rai “Ground State Masses of D Mesons” AIP Conference Proceedings 2020, 140028,
  • Raghav Chaturvedi ,Vikas Patel, N.R.Soni, A.N.Gadaria, J.J.Patel, J.N.Pandya and A.K.Rai “Comp utation of decay constant and digluon decay width of Charmonia” .AIP Conference Proceedings 2020, 140048,
  • Vikas Patel, Keval Gandhi Virendrashih Kher and A.K.Rai “Decay Constant and Leptonic Branching Fraction of D Meson” (64th DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys., D16, 655 (2020)) (ISBN: 8183722083-8).
  • Vikas Patel, Raghav Chaturvedi and Ajay Kumar Rai: Decay constantand magnetic transition calculations of B meson using screened potentialmodel.”(Proceding in DAE HEP Odissa 2020).


  • Vishva Jain, Dimple Shah,Kinjal Patel, K.D.Patel and Chetan Zankat, C., May. Structural, compositional and optical properties of spin coated MoO3 thin film. In AIP Conference Proceedings 2018, 1961, 1
  • Keval Gandhi, Vikas Patel, Virendrasinh Kher, and Ajay Kumar Rai “Magnetic properties of D* (2007)0 and D* (2010) ± meson in the constitute quark model” (63th DAE Symp. On Nucl. Phys., D3, 824 (2018)). (ISBN: 8183722083-8)
  • Jaymin Ray, Kinjal Patel, Influence of carrier concentration on the performance of CIAS solar cell, AIP Conference Proceedings1961 (2018) 030029 presented at International Conference On Nanomaterials For Energy Conversion And Storage Applications (NECSA 2018) at PDPU, Gujarat, India during 29–31 January 2018


Invited Lectures

Invited Lectures




Lecture Date



Dr. Jaymin kumar Rajnikant Ray

Expert Talk

Photon Energy



Dr. Jaymin kumar Rajnikant Ray

Expert Talk

Photovoltaic: Fundamental to Fabrication


Electrical Engineering Department, CGPIT, Uka Tarsadia University and Navitas Solar, Sachin, Surat

Dr. Jaymin kumar Rajnikant Ray

Expert Talk

GIF file and Doddle software tools


Department of Physics, UTU

Dr. Jaymin kumar Rajnikant Ray


Electrical Characterization of Material : Thin
films to Thick films


Research Circle, Malaysiya

Dr. Kinjalben Kaushikbhai Patel

Expert Talk




Dr Abhitosh Kedia

Expert Talk

Projectile motion and Kinetic Theory




Dr. Jayminkumar Rajnikant Ray

Faculty Development Program

Electrical Characterization and I-V Measurement of the material


Rajasthan Technical University, Kota and Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur

Dr. Jenish kumar Dipakbhai Patel

Expert Talk

Plasma-induced liquid chemistry: Materials synthesis and Reaction analysis


Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology


Dr Abhitosh  Kedia

Expert Talk

Problem On Quantum Mechanics


Goverment Science College




Mr. Hitesh Viththalsingh Rajput

Expert Talk

Introduction to quantum mechanics.


Valod Science College

Schrodinger's equation and its solution. 


Dr. Jaymin kumar Rajnikant Ray

Expert Talk

Basics of Atomic and molecular Physics



Dr. Jaymin kumar Rajnikant Ray

Expert Talk

Influence of copper concentration on the structural properties of CuSbS2


SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering,

Dr. Kinjalben Kaushikbhai Patel


Fabrication of CZTS Thin Film Solar Cell using Chemical Method


Department of Engineering Physics and Chemistry, SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pandharpur

Dr. Kinjalben Kaushikbhai Patel


Matrix and Probability


C. G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology, UTU

Dr. Shree Veerendrakumar Mishra

Crash Course





Dr Abhitosh  Kediia

Crash Course

Projectile motion



Mr. Hitesh viththalsingh Rajput

Expert Talk

Semiconductors and diodes.


Maliba Education Academy

Dr. Jayminkumar Rajnikant Ray

Expert Talk

Basics of the electromagnetic spectra



Light and Current


Dr. Shree Veerendrakumar Mishra

Expert Talk




Mr. Vishva Mahavir Jain

Expert Talk

Mechanical Properties of Solids and Fluids


Sincerite School

Transistor and Logic Gates


Maliba Education Academy


Dr Abhitosh  Kediia


Plasmons in Metal Nanostructures



Mr. Hadikkumar Karansinh Desai

Orientation Course

LATEX Programming


Department of Physics, SPU

Origin: Graph preparation and analysis tool


Department of Physics, SPU

Dr. Hitesh viththalsingh Rajput


Deposition of Gold Thin Filmy SILAR MEHOD


Department of Physics


Project undertaken / Completed


Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator -Mr. Vishva Mahavir Jain
Title:Synthesis and study of Molybdenum and Tungsten doped vanadium oxide nanoparticle for waste water treatment
Funding agency: :B U Patel Research Promotion scheme, UTU
Duration:365 Days


Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator -Jaymin Ray and Dr. Kinjal K. Patel
Title:Fabrication of Hydroelectric cell
Funding agency: B U Patel Research Promotion scheme, UTU
Duration:365 Days

Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator -Mr. Vishva Mahavir Jain
Title:Chalk-duster cleaner
Funding agency: SSIP, UTU
Duration:615 Days


Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator -Kinjalben Patel and JayminRay
Title:Low cost instrumentation for physics laboratory
Funding agency: SSIP, UTU
Duration:442 Days

Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator -Mr. Vishva Mahavir Jain
Title:Synthesis and development in Antimicrobial activity of MoO3 nano materials
Funding agency: B U Patel Research Promotion scheme, UTU
Duration:365 Days

Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator -Dr Abhitosh Kedia, Hitesh Rajput
Title:Plasmonics Aspects of Nanoparticles
Funding agency: B U Patel Research Promotion scheme, UTU
Duration:514 Days

Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator -Dr. Kinjal K. Patel
Title:Study of binary sulphide nano-crystalline thin films
Funding agency: B U Patel Research Promotion scheme, UTU
Duration:438 Days


Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator -Dr Abhitosh Kedia
Title:Metal nanostructure in chemical and biological sensing
Funding agency: B U Patel Research Promotion scheme, UTU
Duration:365 Days




  • Jaymin Ray(Chief Editor), Dr.Shyam Sunder Sharma (Co-Editor) “Recent Review and Research in Physics (Volume – 6)”
    AkiNik Publications, New Delhi, ISBN No. : 978-93-5570-878-6 (2023)
  • Jaymin Ray(Chief Editor), Dr.Shyam Sunder Sharma (Co-Editor) “Recent Review and Research in Physics (Volume – 5)”
    AkiNik Publications, New Delhi, ISBN No. : 978-93-5570-702-4(2023)
  • Jaymin Ray(Chief Editor), Dr.Shyam Sunder Sharma (Co-Editor) “Recent Review and Research in Physics (Volume – 4)”
    AkiNik Publications, New Delhi, ISBN No. : 978-93-5570-590-7 (2023)


  • Jaymin Ray(Chief Editor), Dr.Shyam Sunder Sharma (Co-Editor) “Recent Review and Research in Physics (Volume – 3)”AkiNik Publications, New Delhi, ISBN No. 978-93-5570-459-7 (2022)
  • Jaymin Ray(Chief Editor), Dr.Shyam Sunder Sharma (Co-Editor) “Recent Review and Research in Physics (Volume – 2)”AkiNik Publications, New Delhi, ISBN No.: 978-93-5570-310-1 (2022)
  • Jaymin Ray(Chief Editor), Dr.Shyam Sunder Sharma (Co-Editor) “Recent Review and Research in Physics (Volume – 1)”AkiNik Publications, New Delhi, ISBN No.: 978-93-5570-166-4 (2022)


Book Chapters


  • Vishva Jain, Yash Doshi,Kinjal Patel, Dimple Shah Significance of MoO3 nanoparticles and extending its limits through doping, Recent Review and Research in Physics, Volume 3, 2022
  • Hitesh Rajput,Abhitosh Kedia, Dimple Shah, Neha Sharma, “Exploiting Reducing Ability of DMF For Assembled Gold Nanostructure” in the book Functional Materials and Applied Physics in 2022


  • Jaymin Ray, Keyur Patel, Gopal Bhatt, C. J. Panchal, “Fabrication of Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (Cu(In,Ga)Se2) Thin Film Solar cell” in "Electrical and Electronic Devices, Circuits and Materials: Technological Challenges and Solutions" - John Wiley & Sons, and Scrivener Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-119-75036-9 (2021)
  • Kinjal Patel, Jaymin Ray,Sweety Panchal “Fabrication and Characterization of Nano-Crystalline Lead Sulphide (PbS) Thin Film on Fabric for Flexible Photodetector” in Electrical and Electronic Devices, Circuits and Materials: Design and Applications - CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN-13: 978-0367564261 (2021)
  • Keval Gandhi,Vikas Patel, Shailesh Pincha, VirendrasinhKher, and Ajay Kumar Rai “Magnetic moments and decay properties of the D and Ds mesons. (DAE HEP(P. K. Behera et al. (eds.)) (XXIII DAE High Energy Physics Symposium,Springer Proceedings in Physics,2021, 261,




  • Title: “Portable Cleaning Device for Chalk Duster” in the name of UkaTarsadia University. Dr.Vishva Jain, Dr.JayminR Ray, Mr. Praful PravinchandraDedhiya, Dr. Anshuman Kalla
  • Title: “Cleaning Device for Chalk Duster in the name of UkaTarsadiaUniversity, Dr.Vishva Jain, Dr.Jaymin R Ray,Mr. Praful PravinchandraDedhiya,Dr. Anshuman Kalla.


  • Title:“Thin Film Printing of Solar Cells with Nanoparticles for Efficiency in Performance of utilization of Solar Energy” (Application No.: 202241013687 and Publication Date: 25/03/2022).