Admission Procedure
As per the policy decided by Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC) of Gujarat. For further detail visit

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Course Details
Eligibility Criteria
12th passed in Science Stream (as per UGC norms)
100 Seats
The duration of the course shall be full time four academic years. Each academic year shall be divided into two semesters.
Fee Structure
You may also contact following faculty for any query.
Dr. Renu Chauhan - 9904050534
Programme Outcome (PO)
- PO 1: Knowledge: Demonstrate knowledge of basic skillsand techniques in in pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, community and institutes or any other profession they would like to pursue.
- PO 2: Core Competence: Students will becompetent inthe domain of Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosyas per the requirement of Industrial, Communityand Hospital Pharmacy.
- PO 3: Breadth: Trained students will have practicalefficiency in pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, drug synthesis and analysis andformulation & development of dosage forms so that they are able to extend this knowledge to create new herbal & syntheticpharmaceutical products for the benefit of life.
- PO 4: Preparation: Students will be prepared toexcel in postgraduate programmes and also to succeed in pharmaceuticalindustry or any other chosenprofession through innovativeteaching methodologies that stimulate students to self-learning and further their knowledge.
- PO 5: Professionalism: Display legal, moral, ethical attitudes and consistent behaviors with the standards of the profession.
- PO 6: Evaluation: The ability to evaluate important aspects of the matter they have studied, pharmaceuticaltechnol
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)
- Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of pharmaceutical science.
- Graduates will demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and solve Industrial, community & hospital pharmacy problems.
- Graduate will demonstrate an abilitytoanalyse and interpret data of experiments in production, quality control & assurance of pharmaceuticals.
- Graduates will demonstrate an ability to design formulation as perthe needs and specifications of pharmaceutical industry.
- Graduates will be able to understand mechanism,dynamics and kinetics of drugs, visualize and work on laboratory techniques involving animals and tissues.
- Graduate will demonstrate skills to use modern pharmaceutical tools, software andequipment to analyse& solve problems.
- Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities as perpharmaceutical jurisprudence.
- Graduate will be able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
- Graduate will be able to understand impact of pharmaceutical sciences on the societaland contemporary issues.
- Graduate will demonstrate confidence to learn by self and exhibit ability for life-long learning.
- Graduates will be able to take interest in research & development in all disciplines ofPharmaceutical sciences.
- Graduate will be able to participate and succeed in competitive examinations.
Admission Procedure
As per the policy decided by Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC) of Gujarat. For further detail visit

Apply Now @ UTU
Course Details
Eligibility Criteria
B.Pharmacy with minimum 50 % (as per UGC norms)
Full Time Programme | Course Duration | Intake |
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance) | 2 years | 15 |
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics) | 2 years | 15 |
M. Pharm (Pharmacology) | 2 years | 15 |
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) | 2 years | 15 |
The duration of the course shall be full time two academic years. Each academic year shall be divided into two semesters.
Detailed Programme Structure - (Click on program)
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance)
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics)
M. Pharm (Pharmacology)
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Fee Structure
You may also contact following faculty for any query.
- Ms. Rutvi Vaidya,, 9974001761
Programme Outcome (PO)
- PO 1: Knowledge: Studentswill have strong theoretical background along with necessary skills in pharmaceutical sciences and the abilityto apply them in research and development.
- PO 2: Core Competence: Students will be competent in the domain of specialization viz., Quality Assurance, Biological Evaluations, Regulatory Affairs, GMP, Research Methodology and Statistical Evaluation of data as per the requirement of pharmaceutical industry.
- PO 3: Breadth: Trained students will have practical efficiency in analytical techniques in drug and formulation development and inclinical research, new drug application and application of quality assurance in all aspects of drug research so that they are able to extend this knowledge to create new products for the benefit of life.
- PO 4: Preparation: Students will be prepared to excel in pharmaceutical research and also to succeed in pharmaceutical industry or academics through innovative teaching methodologies that stimulates students to self-learning and further their knowledge.
- PO 5: Professionalism: Students will be inculcated with professional values, effective research communication skills, prioritizing problems and solutions and an ability to view pharmaceutical issues in broader context.
- PO 6: Evaluation: The ability to evaluate important aspects of the matter they have studied, weigh the pros and cons of the ideology they adhere to in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance)
- Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance.
- Graduates will demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and solve quality issues in pharmaceutical industry.
- Graduate will demonstrate an ability toanalyse and interpret data of analytical experiments in production, quality control & assurance of pharmaceuticals.
- Graduates will demonstrate an ability to address regulatory issues in design of formulation as per the needs and specifications of pharmaceutical industry.
- Graduates will be able to generatevalidation protocol for all pharmaceutical operations starting from drug research to development to formulation.
- Graduate will demonstrate skills to use modern pharmaceutical tools, software and equipment to analyse& solve problems.
- Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities as per pharmaceutical regulations.
- Graduate will be able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
- Graduate will demonstrate confidence to learn by self and exhibit ability for life-long learning.
- Graduates will be able to take interest in research & development in all areas pertaining to Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance.
- Graduate will be able to participate in a team and be able to lead as and when needed.
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics)
- Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of Pharmaceutics.
- Graduates will demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and solve drug delivery issues in pharmaceutical industry.
- Graduate will demonstrate an ability toanalyse and interpret data of analytical experiments in production& formulation of pharmaceuticals.
- Graduates will demonstrate an ability to address regulatory issues in design of formulation as per the needs and specifications of pharmaceutical industry.
- Graduates will be able to generate validation protocol for all pharmaceutical operations starting from drug research to development to formulation.
- Graduate will demonstrate skills to use modern pharmaceutical tools, software and equipment to analyse& solve problems.
- Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities as per pharmaceutical regulations.
- Graduate will be able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
- Graduate will demonstrate confidence to learn by self and exhibit ability for life-long learning.
- Graduates will be able to take interest in research & development in all areas pertaining toPharmaceutics.
- Graduate will be able to participate in a team and be able to lead as and when needed.
M. Pharm (Pharmacology)
- Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of Pharmacology.
- Graduates will demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and solve quality issues in pharmaceutical industry.
- Graduate will demonstrate an ability to analyse and interpret data of analytical experiments in drug discovery and development.
- Graduates will demonstrate an ability to address regulatory issues in design of formulation as per the needs and specifications of pharmaceutical industry.
- Graduates will be able to generate validation protocol for all pharmaceutical operations starting from drug research to development to formulation.
- Graduate will demonstrate skills to use modern pharmaceutical tools, software and equipment to analyze& solve problems.
- Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities as per pharmaceutical regulations.
- Graduate will be able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
- Graduate will demonstrate confidence to learn by self and exhibit ability for life-long learning.
- Graduates will be able to take interest in research & development in all areas pertaining to Pharmacology.
- Graduate will be able to participate in a team and be able to lead as and when needed.
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Admission Procedure
As per the policy decided by Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC) of Gujarat. For further detail visit

Apply Now @ UTU
Course Details
Eligibility Criteria
Passed Std. 12th with "A" or "B" group with Science Stream as per the UTU norms
30 Seats
6years (5 + 1 internship).
Fee Structure
You may also contact following faculty for any query.
Dr. Renu Chauhan - 9904050534
Programme Outcome (PO)
- PO1: Life Sciences Knowledge: Impart fundamental knowledge of physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, Chemistry of organic and inorganic compounds as per themonographs
- PO2: Pathology and Pharmacology knowledge: Impart knowledge of relevant aspects of pathophysiological mechanisms, medical uses of natural drugs, and Pharmacological aspects of medicines
- PO3: Design/Development of solutions: Impart the modern concept of rational drug design such as Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship, Computer Aided Drug Design and concept of antisense molecules
- PO4: Community Pharmacy knowledge: Imbibe skills such as dispensing of drugs, ensure safe medication usage, patient counseling and improve patient care in community pharmacy set up
- PO5: Clinical Pharmacist Knowledge: Inculcate the practical clinical discussions, attending ward rounds, follow-up progress of patients, case presentation at discharge are imbibed through hospital postings
- PO6: The Clinical Pharmacist and society – Participation in hospital camps, disease awareness programs will inculcate the social responsibility of the clinical pharmacists. Provide pharmaceutical care including Medication Therapy Management, vaccinations and drug therapy monitoring in inpatient, ambulatory and community practice
- PO7: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Understand biopharmaceutical principles and pharmacokinetic principles through different compartment models, multiple dosage regimens, non-linear pharmacokinetics, and assessment of bioavailability and bioequivalence
- PO8: Ethics: Comprehend the clinical aspects of drug development, such as phases, ethical issues, and roles and responsibilities of clinical trial personnel, design of clinical study documents, data management and safety monitoring in clinical trials
- PO9: Patient counseling and Pharmaceutical Care: Provide high quality, evidence-based, patient-centered care in cooperation with patients, prescribers and members of the inter-professional health care team and Promote health and wellness and disease prevention
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)
- PSO1: Understand various drug distribution methods, know the professional practice management skills in hospital pharmacies.
- PSO2: Recognize unbiased drug information to the healthcare providers, appreciate practice based research methods, and appreciate stores management and inventory control
- PSO3: Preparation of personalized therapeutic strategies based on diagnosis, through identification of options, observing treatment, time-course of clinical and laboratory indices of therapeutic response and adverse effects
- PSO4: Interpret specific laboratory results of disease states, retrieve, analyze, interpret and formulate medicine information
- PSO5: Explain the drug utilization review, cohort studies, meta-analysis, prescription monitoring, risk management and pharmacoeconomic evaluation.
- PSO6: Understand the toxicological aspects of individual class of xenobiotics such as pesticides, opiates, NSAIDs, radiation, heavy metals, plant, food poisonings, and snake bites
- PSO7: Explicate patient care in performing medication history, interpretations of laboratory data, categorizing potential-medicine related impacts of Pharmacotherapy
Admission Procedure
As per the policy decided by Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC) of Gujarat. For further detail visit

Apply Now @ UTU
Course Details
Eligibility Criteria
B.Pharmacy with minimum 50% (as per PCI norms)
10 Seats
3 years (2 + 1 internship).
Fee Structure
You may also contact following faculty for any query.
Dr. Renu Chauhan - 9904050534
Programme Outcome (PO)
- PO1: Life Sciences Knowledge: Impart fundamental knowledge of physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, Chemistry of organic and inorganic compounds as per themonographs
- PO2: Pathology and Pharmacology knowledge: Impart knowledge of relevant aspects of pathophysiological mechanisms, medical uses of natural drugs, and Pharmacological aspects of medicines
- PO3: Design/Development of solutions: Impart the modern concept of rational drug design such as Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship, Computer Aided Drug Design and concept of antisense molecules
- PO4: Community Pharmacy knowledge: Imbibe skills such as dispensing of drugs, ensure safe medication usage, patient counseling and improve patient care in community pharmacy set up
- PO5: Clinical Pharmacist Knowledge: Inculcate the practical clinical discussions, attending ward rounds, follow-up progress of patients, case presentation at discharge are imbibed through hospital postings
- PO6: The Clinical Pharmacist and society – Participation in hospital camps, disease awareness programs will inculcate the social responsibility of the clinical pharmacists. Provide pharmaceutical care including Medication Therapy Management, vaccinations and drug therapy monitoring in inpatient, ambulatory and community practice
- PO7: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Understand biopharmaceutical principles and pharmacokinetic principles through different compartment models, multiple dosage regimens, non-linear pharmacokinetics, and assessment of bioavailability and bioequivalence
- PO8: Ethics: Comprehend the clinical aspects of drug development, such as phases, ethical issues, and roles and responsibilities of clinical trial personnel, design of clinical study documents, data management and safety monitoring in clinical trials
- PO9: Patient counseling and Pharmaceutical Care: Provide high quality, evidence-based, patient-centered care in cooperation with patients, prescribers and members of the inter-professional health care team and Promote health and wellness and disease prevention
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)
- PSO1: Understand various drug distribution methods, know the professional practice management skills in hospital pharmacies.
- PSO2: Recognize unbiased drug information to the healthcare providers, appreciate practice based research methods, and appreciate stores management and inventory control
- PSO3: Preparation of personalized therapeutic strategies based on diagnosis, through identification of options, observing treatment, time-course of clinical and laboratory indices of therapeutic response and adverse effects
- PSO4: Interpret specific laboratory results of disease states, retrieve, analyze, interpret and formulate medicine information
- PSO5: Explain the drug utilization review, cohort studies, meta-analysis, prescription monitoring, risk management and pharmacoeconomic evaluation.
- PSO6: Understand the toxicological aspects of individual class of xenobiotics such as pesticides, opiates, NSAIDs, radiation, heavy metals, plant, food poisonings, and snake bites
- PSO7: Explicate patient care in performing medication history, interpretations of laboratory data, categorizing potential-medicine related impacts of Pharmacotherapy