Dr. Chinmay Desai (Professor)
- The Ex-officio Secretary of the Executive, the custodian of the records, common seal and such other property of the University, as the Pro-vost or shall commit to his charge.
- Issues all notices convening meetings and keeps the minutes of the Executive Council, the Academic Council, the Faculties, and any committee appointed by any authority of the University.
- Conducts the official correspondence of the Executive Council, the Academic Council, and the faculties.
- Supplies to the Provost, copies of the agenda, the minutes of the meetings of the authorities of the University,
- Authorized officer to enter into agreements, sign documents and authenticate records on behalf of the University.
- Prepare and update the Handbook of the Statutes and Regulations approved by the authorities, bodies or committees, from time to time, and make them available to all members of the authorities and officers of the university.
- Receive complaints and suggestions in regard to the improvement of administration and consider them for appropriate action; render necessary assistance for inspection of the university, its buildings, classrooms, laboratories, libraries, knowledge resource centre, museums, workshops and equipment is made by such person or persons or body of persons, as directed by the Pro-vost;
- Organize training and orientation of employees in the university have the power to seek information in regard to any matter of the university, from the Deans, Finance and Accounts Officer and any other officer of the university for submission to the State Government and other external agencies.
- Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties, as prescribed by or under the Act or assigned to him, by the Pro-vost, from time to time.

: 97276 00015
: registrar@utu.ac.in

Controller of Examination
Dr. Jitesh Parmar
: coe@utu.ac.in

Deputy Registrar
Dr. Anuradha Pathak
:9824104207 : anuradha.pathak@utu.ac.in
- All work-related record keeping of all board’s meeting.
- Preparation of minutes of the Bords meeting.
- Co-ordination of various outreach activities.
- And assistance to the registrar in all matters

Asst. Registrar
Mr. Nikhil Joshi
: 9727650010 : assistant.registrar@utu.ac.in
University Office
- All files and record keeping of Dean, Director, and various university level committee meetings.
- Work related to purchase, procurement
- Student’s convocation, correspondence
- Public relation, legal matters
- General administration
- And assistance to the registrar in all matters.

Admin Officer
Mr. Alpesh Pandya
:9427170175 : alpesh.pandya@utu.ac.in
Examination Section
- All files related Examination Scheduled, results,
- Exam conduction,
- All files of records of mark sheet & degree certificates.
- Stores and Inward Section

Administrative Officer
Mr. Umesh K. Patel
:9429261469 : umesh.patel@utu.ac.in
HR Section
- Research and consultancy, Issue of purchase orders and
- Faculty coordination,
- Recruitment, students’ scholarship and
- Student committee matters.

Office Assistant
Mrs. Dimpal Delwadkar
: 9773280048 : dimpal.delwadkar@utu.ac.in
Student Section
- All work related to student Transcript
- Migration certificates
- Students education verification
- Provisional Degree Certificates and dispatch section.

Youth affairs Co-Ordinator
Ms. Garima Kakkar
: 7226833414 : garima.kakkar@utu.ac.in
Student Section
- Students extra co-curricular activities,students’ welfare
- Coordination of Girls Hostel
- Student further studies related matters.
- Alumni network.
- Foreign university collaboration.

Finance Officer
Mr. Vidit Patel
: 9925950666 : vidit.patel@utu.ac.in
Accounts & Audit
- Account and finance matters
- Internal audit
- All bills and claims.

Asst. Account
Mr. Sandip Mistry
: 9638020263 : sandip.mistry@utu.ac.in
Cash Collection
- Fees collection and
- All other cash payment collection and receipt